Episode 27 : Talking Body Image with Tweens and Teens.

Season #2

We started working together, doing this podcast and building courses to have a greater impact in the eating disorder space. We love our one on one work, but it's so limited and we want to reach more people.

Recently, Meg has had the opportunity to do this having been invited to get in front 195 primary and high school students in one day running 3 workshops for the first time since 2019.

So what has change? Why is a dietitian mostly talking about body image rather than food and nutrition and how on earth do you manage sessions with 75 students aged 12-17 in the same group??? Great questions. 

Listen to find out. 

The Try Guys photoshop challenge youtube video

This is the recipe Susan mentioned which looks delicious. 

if you want to book us for school workshops or events, get in contact via our speaking page