Life's too short to count almonds

Life's too short to count almonds

Hosted by: Meg & Susan

Join non-diet dietitians Meg and Susan as we chat over food and body issues and help you find ways to defend your family against dieting, disordered eating and navigate a really difficult food culture.


S4 Ep 2 Life's too Short for Food Myths To Run The Show with Dr Emma Beckett

Season #4

We're thrilled to bring you today's chat with the fabulous Dr Emma Beckett. Food Scientist and Nutrition Scientist, Science communicator and all round excellent human. We chat about Emma's new book "You are More than...
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S4 Ep 1 We're Back! It's Dry July for many so we chat about alcohol.

Season #4

Welcome back to Season 4. Today we chat about dry July and alcohol consumption in general including the weird rise of 'low carb or low calorie' alcohol beverages being marketed with a 'health halo', cultural factors...
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S3 Ep27 Season Finale - Revisiting Boring Selfcare

Season #3

Back for the final episode before we take a little break we thought it was a good time to revisit 'Boring Self Care'. We last spoke about this in October last year but in winter and summer we often need different ways...
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S3 Ep 26 We Watched so You Don't Have To

Season #3

Today we share our reflections after watching 'That Sugar Film'. Yep, we sat down and donated 90 minutes of our life so you don't have to. It was even worse than we expected. Please do not let your kids watch this...
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S3 Ep25 "That Sugar Nightmare"

Season #3

If you listened to last week's episode you'll know that we have started a requesting ACARA to remove 'That Sugar Movement' from the list of resources in the Australian Curriculum.Ā Recently there hasĀ  been...
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S3 Ep 24 Dietitians Unite?

Season #3

Today we chat about a recent Dietitians conference that we attended. It was a mixed bag and the ongoing clash of weight centric and weigh inclusive ways of practicing was obvious once again. We also talk about our...
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S3 Ep22 That is not Tiramisu

Season #3

Is it rage bait orĀ disordered eating? Today we chat about social media....again! Yep, it's a constant source of topics, interest, joy and well, rage. The constant trend of people trying to make 'healthy' versions of...
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S3 E21 : Carnivore is over but the harm continues

Season #3

*********Ā We're really pleased to announce doors are open to Lifeguards : The Non-Diet Way for Parent's of Teens. Use the code LGPOD for 20% of the course price. You can find more information and sign up...
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S3 Ep20 : I can't eat in front of you

Season #3

We're really pleased to announce doors are open to Lifeguards : The Non-Diet Way for Parent's of Teens. Use the code LGPOD for 20% of the course price. You can find more information and sign up...
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S3 Ep19 What Food Stories (Lies?) Are In your Head?

Season #3

Today we chat about the stories we can tell ourselves about our food behaviour, and how food and body comments, especially about appetite,Ā  can get sticky and create harmful beliefs and stories, especially for...
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S3 Ep 18 Holiday Food and Season changes

Season #3

We're back after a little school holiday break. Today we chat mostly about the food we enjoyed over the break and then dig into a bit of how we mange food once the evening sport activities are back and the change from...
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S3 E17 : Why it matters who is talking about the non-diet approach.

Season #3

Today we chat about our day today when we headed to the University of Wollongong to run a 2 hour workshop on the non-diet approach and weight inclusive care. We also address a couple of articles recently criticising...
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