The Non-Diet Way

Building a Steady Foundation

So many women we work with are brilliant, intelligent, compassionate, hardworking and wonderful, and they can't understand why when it comes to food they are unsteady, unsure and preoccupied. 

Having grown up in a culture obsessed with weight and shape we have been sold the lie that dieting is the key to unlocking the door to peace with food and body, only to find is actually leads to confusion, disappointment, and steals headspace and peace. 


Have you had ENOUGH of dieting but don't know what else to do?

Perhaps you have vowed to give up dieting and enthusiastically embraced Intuitive Eating or Mindful Eating only to have it turn into another diet?

You are not alone. 

How can you get where you want to go if you don't know where you are?

We believe it is essential to know how weight, food and body beliefs showed up and how they might actually be serving you.  How can we change behaviour if we don't know what drives it, and what needs to replace it for us to feel whole and steady? 

Our 4 week program - The Non Diet Way, covers the fundamentals that we would address in the early sessions with our face to face clients.  Learn the how, what and why of your diet story. You know where you want to get to, it's important to first know where you are.



You have unlearned everything you "knew" about food, weight and bodies.  All those unhelpful beliefs that had you doubting your brilliance are gone.  You feel..... 

Peace of Mind

Clear that mental load dedicated to food and body control. Make space for creativity and fun.


Trust food, trust your body.  Make choices and decisions from a place of strength and self knowing.


Know yourself, what works for you, what matters to you most. Live in alignment with your values

So who are Meg & Susan? 

We're both non-diet dietitians, we've helped hundreds of people heal their relationship with food and body. 

We've worked together to lecture to dietetics students, we've delivered school talks and even been non diet caterers! Nothing will test whether you work well together like 17 hours in a kitchen every day for a week!  

We're both Gen X'ers, Meg almost missed it, Susan is firmly mid Gen X. You can be sure we've weathered and rejected our fair share of toxic diet messaging.  We both have 3 children and we've been very intentional about keeping diet culture out of our homes. 

We want that for you too.

Yes! Give me that food peace that you're talking about!!

Organisations we've worked with


What people are saying about The Non-Diet Way


"This program is like no other. True change comes from understanding, and this course guides you to compassionately understand your emotions and feelings around food. It is the perfect balance of self guided learning with comprehensive online modules you can work through at your own pace and weekly check-ins with Direct access to Meg & Susan. Absolutely loved it"

TM course participant


"The weekly zooms are such a wonderful touch and idea. And the fact that participants get access to BOTH your clever minds and warm and friendly personalities is just such a treat. Such a great opportunity for people to ask questions and raise things that are big for them. It is truly exceptional value for money, in my opinion! Especially when you consider you get access to all the resources, written content, videos, mindfulness activities. It’s really very generous"

EQ course participant


$349 AUD

One Off Payment

  • 4 weeks of content
  • 8 weeks of access
  • Weekly live zoom with Meg & Susan
  • Access to the closed FB group for questions and community
  • Feel more confident in your relationship with food
  • Take charge of your food and body story

Building a Steady Non-Diet Foundation

Join us over 4 weeks as we take you through the fundamentals for getting started living the non-diet way.


Course Outline

Module 1: Looking Back to Move Forward. How did you get here? Your food and diet story. 

Module 2: Body Awareness and Trust. Understanding what influences our food and eating behaviour.

Module 3: Mindfulness the Superpower for Non Diet eating 

Module 4: Planning and Food Choice the Non Diet Way for Values aligned eating.



Saying goodbye to the mental load of worrying about food and your body.

Making peace with your body and never dieting again